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Door spring

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Greg S

Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Found this on the POS site and thought it may be of some help to someone:
Piper Door Open Holder Repair

If anyone has a problem with their Piper door open holder, I may have the answer to your problem. Usually the spring is broken. Unfortunately the part number is not listed in any of the Piper manual's that I researched. Luckily, I ran across a member of the Piper Owner Society that had found the part number years ago and the spring is readably available form Piper. Now get this, the cost is $2.06. The Part Number is 487-468. It is simple to replace. All that is required is to remove the rivet on the very end of the assembly. It is connected to a plastic block that holds the spring inside the assemble. Do not remove the 2nd rivet. That rivet secures the cam that the locking lever rotates around. I have not found that PN. Since I drilled it out, I had to have it welded back to the slide.

When I went to pick up the part one of the mechanics told me that he had no idea that he could buy the part. He said that he just orders a new assembly. I told him at $325.00 per assembly, I'd think if it was his money, then he would think twice about ordering a complete assembly. I hope this helps.

http://www.piperowner.org/components/co ... spring.JPG
http://www.piperowner.org/components/co ... spring.JPG

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