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Don't Know What I Want To Do???

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Jun 13, 2017
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I had intended to return to flying about two years ago and even joined this forum. After a couple months I dropped the idea and have been busy with two other very demanding "hobbies" since. Earlier this year my son-in-law moved back to the area--he left a regional airline where he was a captain and took a job as a corporate pilot. He has a lot of connections in this area as well as aircraft available to him, so I renewed my Class III and figured I would start flying again.

I have been thinking through what kind of flying I want to do and doing a lot of research. There is no question I will need to acquire my own plane in the next few years. Since I am not sure what kind of flying I want to do or even how much I'll budget, I am extremely undecided. Fortunately, there is no time limit on this so I'll just log some hours in whatever is available, get some recency and currency, then make a decision. Here is where I am at present:

1. Flying a GA aircraft for pleasure is expensive. I think even someone with my background needs four to five hours a month to stay proficient, and there just isn't any ROI in that.

2. Owning an airplane is even less cost effective with less ROI. It looks like I'd need $12k a year just for hangar, insurance, and a set aside for the annual.

3. With full awareness of #1 and #2, I need to decide what kind of flying I want to do. Gentleman aero, transportation, hunting/fishing, other?

4. I think what I would like to do the most is get a T-28. In a couple years I could afford to buy one, but I am concerned that $300 an hour in fuel would be limiting and I am REALLY bothered that all the ones I see for sale have less than 500 hours on the engine. Is there a 500 hour TBO? What about other maintenance costs?

5. A T-34A might be a good alternative to a T-28. More expensive to buy but way less to operate and maintain. However, do I want to wait that long to acquire funds and buy one?

6. A Super Decathlon would allow aero and hunting and fishing, and is okay on travel, but it only holds two people. Not sure only holding two people would be a big deal?

7. If I jump to just traveling, then I see three reasonable options. It looks like I can get a nice, NA Arrow for around $50k. It's slowish, but comfortable and appears to be a no fuss airplane. If I step up to $75k I can get a Mooney J. The Mooney is faster but really only a three person airplane. If I want to go to around $125k I can get a Turbo Lance. The Turbo Lance would be great for traveling and I do like the idea of a larger plane.

Any of these traveling planes would make my long range competition shooting more accessible. It would also allow easier day visits to my parents. Then again, for serious travel here in the Pacific Northwest requires the ability to fly into icing, something I am NOT excited to do. I am not even exited about planning to fly in IMC.

8. Maybe I should completely re-calibrate and think about flying just for the enjoyment of flying. It is very hard for me to think that way because most everything I do for "leisure" is demanding and my satisfaction comes from performing well. My hobbies are being a long range competition shooter and lead trumpet player in a semi-pro community band. I don't enjoy either of those pursuits unless I perform well so maybe I should dig deep and go back 50 plus years to when I thought airplanes were VERY cool and dreamed of being a pilot..........

Thanks for letting me ramble. It helps to see it written out..............................

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