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Crossing Rockies to get into SLC area

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Rick G

1977 Lance P32R-300
Supporting Member
Jul 9, 2019
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Hi all. I'm looking for some info and advice for crossing an area that is unfamiliar to me. I'm going form Georgia to SLC area. Specifically, I'm going into Spanish Fork or Provo.

I have a normally aspirated Lance. Lightly loaded I can get up to 16,000' but that altitude leaves little power for overcoming downdrafts. I'm comfortable with climbing to about 14,500 but would rather avoid any notoriously rough spots. For example, WY has treacherous winds sometimes which cause massive up/down drafts. I'm okay with rough air as long as there is several 1000's of feet below me. Minimum crossing altitude and rough air is something I would rather avoid.

So I don't see any reasonable route over Colorado that I can rely on. I'm fine with adding some flight time, going around Santa Fe. Or, of someone has a suggestion for a pass somewhere around Pueblo maybe I'll try it.

My question is about crossing the mountains SW of SLC around Price, UT. What is that area like? And how late in the year is is passible without having to constantly worry about icing? I like to have a back-up plan for weather. So I identified two possible crossing areas:

(1) V 134 seems to have plenty of clearance. It has a minimum of 13,000'. I know I can do that altitude even while fully loaded.
(2) The route farther to the south near 44U seems to be low altitude and possibly less winter weather. This is a route I would consider if V134 has too many clouds.

Has anyone flown in these areas? Any advice? Thanks.


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