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Crazy EGTs. Need Advice!

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Active Member
Sep 13, 2016
Reaction score
I am having issues with my EGTs on my 1976 Cherokee with the O-320 . My mechanic looked it 0ver and concluded that I needed to have the carb replaced. So I did and flew the Cherokee after a long install process, and this was the result. I could never get #3 cylinder to go under 1500 degrees even in cruise at full rich and, 2400rpm. My temps are, #1 1380, #2 1260 #3 1510, #4 1378 full rich. On takeoff on the ground it wouldn't rev past 2200 rpm, where it use to be 2350 with the old carb. She seemed super gutless in climb out and takeoff roll. In the climb out now, I saw 1605 and 1590 on #3 and #4. I'd have to throttle down to 2200-2300 rpm to get #3 into the 1470s in cruise at full rich; she feels real rough overall and more so on the left mag. I tried different power n mix settings for about 20 minutes but no change, just higher EGTs. I had the mags sent off and one was rebuilt right before all this at the time of the new carb install. Twice now I have been told she runs great, and the mechanic has released it like this. On the 1st test flight attempt, it was backfiring bad on run up with one mag dropping 500, so I didn't even fly it. They then cleaned the brand-new plugs which have barley 50hrs on them and richened it some. I don’t understand why the plugs would be fouled already since I always lean on the ground and always lean out for cruise but anyway no bad mag check or misfiring with mags dropping 100 on both L & R. Now still the EGT issue. They are higher temps then I had before and a greater spread between hottest and coldest. The other thing is my highest temp cylinder before the carb was #4 at about around 1500. Also, when I kill it now, it has a slow drop and no rise at all.

My annual was done in December and had none of these issues. My compression was mid 70s and had no metal in the oil. The engine has about 800hrs SMOH. At this time, I had the 4-cylinder EGT gauge installed and I realized it was hot and was told to change the old carb out for a new one would solve that issue. I have flown it 55hrs since the annual and now decided to go for it and replace the carb in effort to help those EGTs. I feel like I should have just left it alone at this point. It

My mechanic seems to not be sure what to do at this point.

Do I just need someone who knows how to tune this thing or any other advice out there?

Why would #2 be so much colder?

Why is just once cylinder so hot?

Why the lower RPM on the ground after being richened up?

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