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Covers vs sun shades vs window tint

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Jul 3, 2023
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I've got an 1971 Arrow, and it's been hot lately, both in flight and on the ramp. Like many of us, I can't find a hangar anywhere near my home airport, so I'm parking on the ramp full time. I'm about to put in a new GPS and I've heard heat kills electronics. My other issue is that the sun is cooking my wife and I in flight. I climb to 6500+ so the air coming in is nice and cool, but I can feel the sun cancer forming as I fly, and it's still fairly uncomfortable even with cool air blowing in.

I'm considering putting in some form of window tint, which may kill two birds with one stone. I'm looking at Just Plane Shades (Just Plane Shades for Piper PA-28 Arrow | Aircraft Spruce), which seems just fine, but there's not a lot of reviews and nothing on Youtube to show what it's actually like. I'm a little worried about reducing visibility too much. I'm also considering Jet Shades (https://jet-shades.com/shop/propeller/piper-pa-28-custom-sun-solutions/), which is considerably more expensive and require custom installation.

I think I've ruled out regular sun shades like you see in car windows, but I've honestly never used them, so I'm open to opinions.

First question, does anyone have any experience with either of these? Are they worth the money?

Second question is for ground only. Do I still need a cover? I'm probably going to go with a Mac cover over Bruce, just because of cost. Covers seem like a pain to put on, so I'm wondering if I can get away without one.

Any other suggestions for either issue?

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