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Anyone ever use justplaneshades.com window tint?

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Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
Got an unsolicited copy of General Aviation News in the mail. Enjoyed the novelty of paging through a tabloid newspaper, mostly looking at the ads. In the Classifieds, there was a small ad for a company called "justplaneshades.com" that makes temporary window tint for aircraft from GA through big iron airliners.

A complete set of shades for a Cherokee 180 (8 pieces--6 for the side windows plus two "visors" for the top portion of the windscreen) is $225. That seems high at first glance, but if the fitment is good, they're easy to apply, and they're durable, then maybe it's as reasonable a price as anything else in aviation. (I'd certainly be willing to pay a "convenience tax" to avoid having to cut film to fit and mess with the soapy water, bubbles, etc. that can come along with traditional tints.)

Anyone have any experience with 'em? I'm mostly interested in whether you can slap 'em on the windows and just leave 'em there, or if they'll fall off or degrade too quickly if you do. The site talks about removing them after flight. (Are there any regs about "permanently installed" tint?)


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