During the course of removing the entirety of my '79 Dakota interior and insulation, I have found these fittings to both be rusted. They are steel so I assume they are doing some heavy lifting in flight. Seems like the worst place you could put insulation... I am sure the windscreens have leaked over time, then the insulation in the channel absorbs the moisture, and then holds it against the steel fitting. Might be something for everyone to take a look at if this is not already a widely known issue.
Has any one sourced and / or replaced this part before? PNs 79553-00 and 79553-01 - I'm finding them for about $500 / ea... Ouch. I'm planning to replace the front windscreens so that should make access a relatively non-event if I do these at that time.
Has any one sourced and / or replaced this part before? PNs 79553-00 and 79553-01 - I'm finding them for about $500 / ea... Ouch. I'm planning to replace the front windscreens so that should make access a relatively non-event if I do these at that time.