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Cherokee Exhaust issues? Considering a Powerflow discount

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Anybody done the $600 wait 3 months for your powerflow exhaust discount? I have determined that piper must have outsourced the Cherokee exhaust system design out to Lockhaven Elementary. The cabin heat shroud around the muffler keeps falling off, I would replace it with a budweiser can and Im sure it would be of better quality but not sure it would pass an annual inspection. Instead of putting more money into replacing crap and fixing cracks etc... I see I can put up a 1500 deposit, wait 17-19 weeks then pay the rest and get the exhaust. Which would bring the price down to 3175 for the classic polished variety. I assume classic vs polished is just for looks but what about short stack vs classic any difference other than the long exhaust hanging out? PIREPS on the discount? how long did you wait? short stack or classic?

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