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Cherokee 6 or Saratoga

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Apr 30, 2020
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Since the Cherokee and Saratoga versions of the PA-32 reside in two different forums... I decided to post this question here! I am interested in purchasing a 6 seat Piper, as the family has grown out of all the 4 seat airplanes out there. My question is whether I need to limit my search to the earlier models...

A planned frequent destination would be into a 2100' paved runway at sea level. This would be in Maine, so most of the time not too hot, although some of those summer days get up there. Based on the POH... it looks like a Saratoga could do that safely if we didn't pack in everything at max gross. But I was wondering if anyone could offer personal experience and judgment as to whether they would consider that a viable strip for a Saratoga? As I understand the model differences, the wing on the Cherokee 6, while slower, enables better short field performance, so if the Saratoga is a bit much for these shorter strips, the 6 would do nicely.

Any and all experience and advice is welcome; thanks in advance!

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