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Cherokee 6 300 vs. Arrow 2

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Pa-28 Captain
Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
Hello fellow piper Pilots,

I am a Commercial student and Ground Instructor Out of New Haven CT (HVN). My father (b737 captain) and I have been considering purchasing a Cherokee 6-300 for a few years now for personal use and lease back as a rental aircraft with the local FBO/ Flight School. Lease back would be sheerly for offset of cost and we aren't looking for a money making deal (but a bit of "profit" would be nice). However recently the school lost their lease on both their arrow's and cannot support a functional commercial or complex training program, and in general not having an Arrow just plane sucks :(. We've begun to weigh the options of an Arrow II, III or IV rather than the six. (no we're not afraid of the T-tail Arrow) The Arrow would obviously be cheaper and draw more renters but we are looking for a personal use airplane just as well. We've kinda ruled a lance out as an option due to insurance/maintenance costs.

Is there anyone out there who has a leased six or Arrow or lance out there that can enlighten us on their experiences?


Devin Tichy

Some other useful information that might help formulate advice:

the FBO currently does not have their own 135 program but they are looking to restart one with enough pilots.

FBO is large and flight school has a wide renter/student base but currently operating only 4 warriors

budget should cover either aircraft but price is a factor

My experience is all on Pa-28-161, Pa-28-140, Pa-28R-200 and Pa-34-200T aircraft but I have never flown a six myself, dad was a former Pa32/34/31 charter pilot

I do need a complex plane at my disposal for my commercial

We are a family of six (plus one dog) but unsure if we'd ever use the plane all together

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