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Cherokee 140 vs early early to mid 70's 172's

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Dec 27, 2017
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Let me preface this by saying that I bought a Cherokee 140 (160hp STC). But, when I was shopping around, I was also looking at 172's. The 172's from say 1970 through about 76, I think, all had the Lycoming O-320 engine, E2D. Same exact engine that is in the Cherokee 140.

I actually placed and offer on a 172M with an 11 year old Mattituck O-320 engine in it. Cosmetically, it was horrible and needed some serious TLC. The deal ended up not happening for reasons other than price and I ended up buying the Cherokee and the rest is history.

But, I am curious about how the two airplanes stack up to each other considering they have the exact same power plant. It looks like the Skyhawk had an additional 150lbs of useful. Obviously it had the rear baggage door, etc.

Had I bought the Skyhawk, would I have ended up with a better performing airplane compared to the Cherokee in terms of climb/cruise/payload? I've heard the Cherokee is a bit faster in cruise than the Skyhawk.

I'm not looking for high wing vs low wing, one door vs two, discussion - but a comparison from those who have good experience in both air frames with this same power plant - performance only.

Just curious.

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