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Cherokee 140 flying crooked help!

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Dec 12, 2024
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Hello all,

I have a Cherokee 140 cruiser that does not fly straight and level. The plane has a pretty significant roll to the right. I just got it back from annual tester and the roll is still there! the A&P says that he has tried to adjust the ailerons as much as possible and has inspected and adjusted the gear as well but is at his wits end trying to troubleshoot the issue. Visually one can see that the left aileron sags a bit compared to the right side, but again the A&P says he isn't sure what to do about it. Does anyone have any suggestions or an A&P in the Los Angeles area they can recommend who might be able to help? To my knowledge the plane has not been in an accident. Ive called around for second opinions but I either never get a call back or I get told the shop is too busy or its not worth their time. I appreciate any help or advice that is offered!


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