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Change of location for 5th Annual East Coast Piper Forum get together

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Dec 29, 2012
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Greetings all,

30 days until the 5th annual Piperforum get together.

Many restaurants are feeling the pinch of labor shortage and Forentino's (Lancaster, PA) is no different. After lengthy discussions they simply can't guarantee us adequate staff or outdoor seating. Frankly, outdoor seating is a major priority as we are trying to keep everyone as safe as possible.

Klinger's (Reading, PA) was the restaurant we picked for the 1st Annual Piper Forum Fly-in and then used for subsequent years. They never disappointed and everyone was happy with the service & food choices. Mark the owner is giving us dedicated staff and the entire outdoor area. What's not to like!

Everything remain the same and only the location and venue is changing. Here is the updated details: (click on each for more info)

Welcome to Klinger's Pubs and Restaurants (click on Klinger's at the airport)

A fuel truck from Reading Jet Center will be available at a discounted rate. Reading Jet Center

Saturday, Sept 11th:

11-12> Meet and great
12-2 > Lunch
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