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CGR-30P Overkill?

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Sep 23, 2015
Reaction score
I've been mulling over installing a CGR-30P in my 140, but there's this nagging bit at the back of my brain that says it would be overkill in a 140. I wouldn't be doing things like LOP since I'm carbureted and I wouldn't be replacing the floats out in the tanks or hooking it up to a GPS (since I am without).

The part of my brain that is lobbying for it says it would be nice to know CHTs since all I have now is oil temp. Having fuel flow would be amazing, and EGTs that aren't just a needle from one probe stabbed into that one random cylinder. Oh and all this by replacing my RPM gauge.

Thoughts? Also, folks who've had them installed what was your cost beyond the unit itself? I'm not afraid to do some of the harness wiring so I can save some money there (I think), but I feel at this point polling the conventional wisdom of the forum may help.


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