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Bose X Headset - For Sale - with LEMO plug

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Adventure One
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
I am selling a pre-owned Bose X ANR headset that I bought new in March 2010. The Bose X headsets came out in 1999, so many of the ones for sale on Ebay can be up to 15 years old. This one is very new and was built just prior to the release of their latest model - A20 which began sales in July 2010.

The headset is in perfect condition and uses the LEMO plug which is the version that uses cockpit power instead of the battery pack. This way you have full power 100% of the time. If you need the LEMO receptacle for your plane....BOSE sells them for $65.

I paid $1054.47 for this headset which includes tax. I'll sell it now for $449 which includes the factory storage case.

A nice Christmas gift for your favorite Pilot or co-pilot!




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