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Bose X for kids?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2014
Reaction score
First off I'm really excited about retiring my David Clark 13.4 headset and replacing it with a used lightspeed zulu that I bought on eBay. Well ok so I went wild and ended up buying 2 used Zulus so they can be permanent front seat headsets.

BTW I'm flying in a Saratoga. I now have a basket full of passive headsets for backseat pax but in a way I feel bad about the quality headset myself and my wife will be wearing when our backseat pax are often our 3 children (ages 4, 7, 10). I bought a pretty good kids passive headset that fits well but it's still passive. On a couple of occasions I've looked back and found my kids not even wearing their headsets because the old school passive sets are just not that comfortable. Granted in the far back of the Toga the noise level is quite a bit less than in the front seats.

Anyway, from what I can see it looks like the Bose aviation X headsets are probably going to be one of the more economical headsets to buy used because of their age. Can anyone comment on how these sets would fit a kid. Are they adjustable enough to not feel huge on them? The reviews I've read suggest that it doesn't block out as much noise at the Zulus but given they're for backseat pax that's not a big deal at all.

My wife wears the on ear David Clark DCX pro ANR and absolutely loves them. I like them too but do not like them when I need to be talking to ATC. By design they just can't block out what over the ear ANR sets can.

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