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1979 Arrow IV (normally aspirated), 1/3 share, hangared at KPAE (Everett, WA)

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2015
Reaction score
One of my two co-owners has decided that his transportation needs now require having a high performance plane of his own, and he is selling his share in our well equipped and very well maintained Arrow IV. I thought I would throw this out on an informal basis to see if any forum members might be interested or might know someone who is.

The Arrow has been hangared at KPAE for the past 20 years, where it will remain. It has been maintained almost exclusively by Regal Aviation, the premier shop on the field. The current, very cordial partnership has been together for nearly that long. All are experienced, instrument rated pilots. We do scheduling on-line and there are rarely scheduling conflicts that cannot be worked out.

Here are some of the specifics on the plane. I plan to post more details and pictures in coming days, but if you want more information right away you can post a question or send me a PM.

Total time: 5976 since new

Engine: 1503 since "zero time" factory rebuilt. There have been no significant engine issues since new. We do oil changes at 40-50 hour intervals with oil analyses.

Prop: 1503 since overhaul

Recently installed SureFly electronic ignition system

  • GTN 650 with GI 106A indicator
  • KX 155 with GS, KI 209 indicator
  • KX 74 ES transponder with ADS-B Out
  • Autocontrol IIIB single axis autopilot fully coupled
  • KMA 24 audio panel
  • KR 87 ADF
  • KN 74 DME
  • Backup electric AI
  • JPI EDM 700 engine analyzer
  • 4-place intercom with music input
  • Pilot's Bose A20 ANR headset, and three David Clark headsets for copilot and passengers
  • Yoke-mounted iPad Mini running Garmin Pilot app, connected to glareshield mounted GDL 39-3D GPS/ADS-B In receiver and AHRS, providing traffic/weather/moving map and synthetic vision
  • We are contemplating an upgrade with dual G5s and a GNC 500 autopilot, removing the vacuum system
Speed mods include Knots 2 You aileron seals, wheel well fairings, and LoPresti hubcaps. Cruises 135 kts at under 10 gph. Over 700 nm range with IFR reserves

Portable 4-place oxygen system

New leather interior, rated 9/10

Paint is in good condition , rated 7/10

Useful load 950 lbs

Price (1/3 ownership): $28,000.

BTW, the same co-owner is also selling his 1978 PA-38 Tomahawk. I'll make a separate post on that one.
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