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Bendix-King Aerocruze 230 autopilot

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David Megginson
Mar 31, 2016
Reaction score
B-K is really making a push for their AeroCruze 230, with more and more certifications (they seem quite capable of dealing with the FAA bureaucracy when they care to).

It has the same marketing pitch as the Avidyne's IFD series — retrofit for a last-gen avionics device (in this case, the KFC 150 and 200 autopilots rather than the GNS 430W and 530W). I imagine the idea is to make the total installed cost much lower than a new GFC 500 for anyone who already has an older KFC A/P, and compete with Garmin that way.

I wonder if the Aerocruze 230 is actually any good, though — I've never heard from anyone who actually installed one.


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