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Aztec - Short field thoughts + crosswinds

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Jeff K

Senior Member
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
Been working with the aircraft and a touch of flaps as others have suggested give the bird a bit more authority on rotation/climb out. Still I think I may move my number up to 85mph for rotation as it seemed to falter a bit (behind power curve) when I had near a full load and rotated at 80mph. I have vortex generators also.

Did a high (14mph) crosswind landing last week with some wind shear thrown in for good measure. Was drifting a bit on final but got it under control (I think mostly this was overshoot on my base to final turn). On my PA32 I wouldn't have had an issue here at all but wasn't afraid to stomp on that one to make it do what I want.

I'm wondering what techniques/control inputs folks use on the Aztec on crosswind and what numbers it can do? I suspect the drift issue I had was just newbie caution on the controls/still getting used to it but didn't want to get too aggressive. Of course, I'm watching my speeds here as well.

Really warming up to the bird. Got the controls rigged and been flying with some weight in the back (150lbs of rocks in the rear baggage) and picked up about 5mph indicated. Also got the main struts pumped up/sealed in the last month.

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