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Aztec - Gami Injectors and/or Surefly experiences?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Its been awhile since ive posted, hope everyone is well.

Im curious if anyone has experience with gami injectors on the na Aztecs specifically the c4b5 engine, if not any experience with any of the n/a models would be helpful. Im curious to know if anyone has seen an improvement in fuel efficiency? Im thinking of going this route to save some fuel, I have yet to complete a gami lean test, some aztec owners have had very balanced factory injectors but its luck of the draw from what I understand

Secondly anyone installed a surefly? results? Advanced timing is now approved for the aztec, that should result in being able to reduce fuel flows keeping speeds the same at economy power settings...

Some people online have been saving 1/2 to 2gph per hour depending on airframe and engine (mostly singles) between the 8k -11k cruise altitudes, this turns significant with 2 engines spinning.

My hope is with gami injectors and surefly ignitions it might be possible to save 1.5 gph per side - a 3 gph savings would be incredible at long range economy cruise, it would turn fuel burn in an aztec at 155kts into most piper singles like a lance / Saratoga....

Anyone have first hand experience or a friend thats done something?


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