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Avionics Upgrade and Panel Overlays

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Dec 8, 2012
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I have done a number of avionics upgrades to my 1973 Challenger over the past 4 years, yes I know it is still just a basic poor mans panel but it works for me, with the latest being the ADSB, flightstream and now PMA 450. All of the upgrades involved multiple removals of the original plastic panel overlays. They had cracked over the years, as 40 year old plastic tends to do and were brittle and ripe for more cracks. After researching all options for replacement, including a new metal panel at a cost of about $13000, I needed to decide on the new metal panel or just replacing the plastic panel overlays. My wife has been supportive of all the upgrades, STEC 30 autopilot, GPSS module, GTN650, 406 ELT, GDL 88 ADSB, engine monitor, Flightstream 210, so adding $13,000 more for a metal panel that would basically be just for looks and not add any function was a tough one.

So I decided to just replace the plastic Overlays. Last month when the shop did the PMA 450 install, I had them replace the upper left panel overlay. I was pleased with the results and the way they did the labels with a flat white lettering. So ordered the upper right overlay and that will be replaced when they upgrade the GTN software that just came out. I am now ordering the lower left and right panel overlays that are brown in the attached picture. The new ones will be black. As you see the lower right panel in my plane has a door that covers the circuit breakers. I have noticed that most pipers have them exposed and in fact the new panel overlays that are available do not have the door covering the breakers. I always wondered if for safety of flight issues, it might be better to be able to see the breakers.

Any thoughts on this. Has anyone ever replaced this lower right overlay and were you able to even find one with a door. Thoughts on having the breakers visible or hidden behind a door. Thanks for any help.

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