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Avionics Shop Recommendations Sought

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Tom Veatch

Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2010
Reaction score
My partner and I are giving serious consideration to replacing the GX60 in our PA24-250 with a 430W or 530W. Yeah, I know, we're sort of playing tail-end Charlie in the GPS market, but money is a consideration. We are based in Wichita, KS and have a quote in hand from Bevan-Rabell located locally.

We would not be adverse to checking with other reputable avionics shops within a reasonable distance from Wichita to validate the quote in hand or maybe save a dollar or two on the upgrade. What is "reasonable distance"? Anywhere east of the mountains and west of the river would probably qualify.

Thanks for any suggestions/opinions/recommendations you would care to offer. You're welcome to PM any shop critiques you'd prefer to not make public.

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