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Avionics for sale, Price reduced to move!

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Dec 29, 2012
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Prices reduced to move! All goes to ebay in a few a weeks. All avionics will be available 2nd week in May. All fresh 8130 (yellow tagged)
You can contact me @ [email protected]

Garmin 530 WAAS panel mounted, 11-33 Volts, GPS w/ tray,
antenna, connecters, fresh 8130, Jepp card programmer
$9500 > Now $8500 / Optional Voiceflight available see below

Voiceflight voice recognition. Provides full voice control
for the garmin 530, create, edit, modify flight plans via voice
$1500> Now $1000

PS engineering PMA-450 audio Panel, 11-33 volts, w/ 10 watt
USB charging port, up to 6 places, Bluetooth connectivity,
Marker Beacon receiver, Digital playback, LCD display, Intelliaudio
dimensional sound options.
$1695 > Now $1500 (still under warranty)

King KX-155 Nav/com , 14 volts, 760 channel, 10 watt TX power, Includes
tray and connecter, 200 NAC channels, 720 COMM channels,
40 Ch glideslope receiver, Flip-flop
$2395> Now $1800

King KN-64 DME, 14 volts, 50 watt
$995> Now $500

Sigma-Tek AI model 5000 Attitude indicator is an air-driven gyro that has a pictorial horizon mask and fixed airplane. The mask moves to indicate climb, dive, and bank.
$750> Now $350

King KI-209 VOR / LOC Glidescope indicator, Built in VOCLOC converter, Internal lighting $995 > Now $500

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