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Autopilot Crossroads

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2013
Reaction score
Aspen decks, Garmin 430W's and a 3 axis STEC 60-2 with a pre-selecter.

Heading and Pitch has been flawless, that said, on-going problems, all with the pitch computer. Un-commanded rapid excursions when in ALT mode, violent enough to bring me out of the seat or push me down in the seat (smooth air, rough air, makes no difference). Descend or climb at a given FPM, push the VS button, sometimes works within 200 FPM, sometimes goes the opposite direction, sometimes levels off and holds altitude like the ALT button is pushed, sometimes (not often) actually works on the money. Set VS and altitude on the pre-selector and engage and sometimes it works in VS but does not capture on the alt, just keeps going. Sometimes it will just hold altitude like the ALT button has been pushed, sometimes it actually will go the opposite direction... I don't use the pre-selector anymore. In ALT mode, sometimes works perfect, sometimes just starts climbing or descending, sometimes has excursions of 200 feet then corrects, sometimes has 200 to 500 feet excursions then levels off and holds at new altitude. Generally works good on the ILS but not at all good on the GPS. Well, you get the picture.

7 trips now to 3 different shops including a nationally know "autopilot" shop., pitch computer has been back to Stec twice, altitude pre-selector has been back twice,
transducer has been changed 3 times, wiring was re-done last trip, cable tensions checked several times, pitch servo removed and overhauled and NOW, the solution is let's send the pitch computer back again (third trip).

Pretty much done here pizzing good money away after bad.... it is no solution. So...

Not going to get the Avidyne DFC90 option anytime soon.

So... STEC 55X ? I could of bought one and had it installed by now for the cost in this relic.

Anybody got one, like it, hate it ?

I flew many hours on King 150 KFC and 200 autopilots and liked them alot. This is my first Stec and has been a bear. When the confidence is gone to the point I will not use it with passengers onboard, it is time.

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