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Aspen/S-Tec AP not holding heading

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Jun 4, 2022
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Having an issue with my autopilot not holding the bugged heading. I have a S-Tec 55X paired with Aspen1500 Pro EFD/MFD pair.

All worked great until a flight a couple weeks ago AP wouldn’t hold heading and would be off by 10-20 degrees. Had an avionics guy on a field we were on at the time take a look and he tightened the clutch on the aileron cable connection and ended up replacing the turn coordinator because when bench tested it voltage was off. Those steps improved the issue but didn’t fix it. Now it tends to be off bugged heading by about 3 degrees and continuously hunts/seeks as the plane slowly wanders back and forth, crossing the bugged heading and going 3 degrees past it before turning back the other way to 3 degrees past bugged to the opposite side.

I’m kinda an avionics newbie and now my plane is on a field with no avionics services. Any suggestions to help troubleshoot or narrow what component to be looking into are welcome.


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