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Aspen Customer Support

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
I have to give kudos to Aspen's customer support. Here's my story.

I just had the IFR check done on my airplane. The avionics techs told me that my mechanical altimeter was reading correctly but that the altimeter on my Aspen was off by about 20 ft on average. They told me they have noticed similar errors in other Aspen PFDs, that it was a software issue and that they did not know how to correct it. I had noticed this discrepancy for a few years but assumed that it was the mechanical altimeter that was less accurate. The avionics shop that did the previous IFR check only certified the mechanical altimeter, saying they did not certify altimeters on Aspen PFDs. Since the Aspen's altimeter is what my autopilot uses, I'd like for it to be as accurate as possible.

On Good Friday, March 29 at 5:48 PM EDT, I wrote an email to David Wilcox of Aspen to explain the issue and to ask how it could be resolved. Of course, I didn't expect a reply until the following Monday or Tuesday, especially since this was Easter weekend. But I was amazed to see a reply from him just 7 minutes later! He explained that the altimeter on the PFD 1000 Pro MAX can be calibrated by Aspen dealers using a calibration tool that they can download from Aspen. We corresponded back-and-forth with a couple more emails and he answered immediately each time.

I have always had excellent customer support from Aspen. This is just one example.
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