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ASPEN 1000 MAX upgrade - got it!

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Feb 15, 2012
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I dropped by my shop to chat about Sun n Fun and the past AEA, with the managers that went.

Regarding the ASPEN Pro -> MAX upgrade, the special pricing of US$2995 is still available until the end of April, then it goes up 2AMU.

The ASPEN reps were saying they considered ending the special earlier, as they have been so overwhelmed with orders. Of the 40,000 ASPEN panels out there, it seems the majority are interested in the upgrade. I suppose that is good for ASPEN, but it may mean a bit of a wait for us. They are taking specific steps in response to address the demand.

The MAX gives you new internal electronics with a faster processor, a brighter sharper display, and new design physical buttons and controls (the shipping E5 has the same updated elements). The fonts are a little larger on screen, and certain elements will increase in size when being adjusted, but with very little changed in the UI, it will remain familiar. The sonoalert is still supported, but running a new line to your audio panel will allow you take advantage of the new voice prompts for altitude changes, minimums alerts, descent warnings, etc. Other than the new audio line, it is a slide in replacement, form factor remains the same.

The MAX eliminates the AI red X issues that the original Pro (and Garmin G500) had when the pitot was blocked, the MAX (and E5) falls back to GS to fill out the data envelope.

The other BIG news is that ASPEN has now certified their MFD to be a FULL BACKUP for the PFD, so you no longer need your old round gauges, or something like a Dynon or Sandia or L3 for backup. Having an ASPEN "2000" PFD/MFD combo will let you remove all of your other primary gauges, and you will have two independent units, each with full reversion and their own individual battery supplies.


The trade-up gives you a new full two year warranty, just like a new purchase of a MAX.

Turnaround is anticipated as two to three weeks, but you can pay $500 extra to opt for an exchange unit, so minimal down time.

So, I placed the my order today, and got in the queue. They hope to be shipping by Osh, but you know how that goes, and in any case with others ahead of me I suspect it will be the Fall before I see it. Will report.

* Orest
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