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Arrow Vx, Vy, Best Glide?

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May 11, 2013
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I know there's an ongoing thread about constant chord (HB) vs tapered wing "floating", approach speeds etc. This is related but a bit different so I started a new thread just to ask a specific series of questions around best glide speed. I understand weight adjustments so just sticking with max gross numbers for this discussion, the POH for my PA28R-200, 1971 Arrow, describes Vx - 91 mph (gear up); Vy - 95 mph (gear up); Best Glide - 105 mph.

My question is why is the best glide speed apparently out of the norm? "For most airplanes" the best glide is between Vx and Vy (see: https://www.faa.gov/news/safety_briefing/2018/media/SE_Topic_18-05.pdf). Checking out a couple other PA28 manuals with tapered wings (PA28-161 and PA28R-201) this seems to be the case -- best glide being in the range of 85-91 mph while Vx/Vy is 76-90/87-103 mph. And for an older (HB) PA28-180 I found best glide 82 mph with Vx/Vy 74/85 mph - again following the norm.

So what's up with my Arrow? Anyone with a comparable Arrow understand these speeds? Am I reading the POH (which wasn't extremely detailed from '71) correctly? Is the POH correct? No, I haven't yet done my own in-flight determinations. Perhaps foolishly I've accepted the book values up to now.

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