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Arrow IV parts and avionics for sale

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82' PA 28 RT 201T, T-Arrow based in So Cal
Supporting Member
Dec 24, 2019
Reaction score
Santa Monica, Ca
The following items are available if you need them. More pictures and info available on request. Avionics just removed for new radio upgrade. All of these items were operational on removal.

1. King KX 155 nav/comm, 12v, with GS receiver. Display is fine. Includes tray and connectors


2. King KI 209 CDI with GS


3. KN 62 DME Rcvr 12v w/tray and connectors


4. JP-800 engine monitor. Upgraded from 700 to 800 in 2020


5. Vacuum system - Vac pump, Vac regulator with and switch, Vac gauge and Vac filter


6. Century 21 auto pilot. Includes roll servo, mounting brackets, loom, over speed switch and attitude indicator. DG not included (sold separately)

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