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Archer Panel fit?

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Dec 17, 2016
Reaction score
Hello All - I am making some panel upgrades, and it looks like my center avionics stack will be really tight. I'm wondering if anyone has the same size components that fit into the center stack for my 77 Archer.

Here's what I am putting in and am wondering if they will fit based on one of you guys having the same size components.
  1. PS-8000g Audio (1.3")
  2. Stratus Transponder (standard size 1.64" - same size as garmin, already installed- keeping)
  3. GTNxi650 (2.65")
  4. GNS430 (already installed - keeping) (2.65")
Here's what I have now:
  2. KX 155 NAV/COM
  3. GNS430
  4. An Intercom (I don’t know the model, but about an inch high)
The Stratus Transponder is on the right side now - not in the center stack - but I am putting a 760 on the right side, so I need to move it to the center (according to my measurements).
According to my measurements, I should have about an eighth of an inch to spare in the center stack, but I want to be sure.
Thanks, Eric

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