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angle of incidence for tomahawk wing?

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New Member
Feb 13, 2016
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I have a freshly renovated Tomahawk (third one i've owned), unfortunately after only 20 hours the rear of right wing tip and aileron were damaged in a hangar mishap. It is repairable as the main spar is not damaged and an initial inspection using lights and mirrors show only damage to the outer rear spar section and skin. I need some help to get my wing repaired from somebody who has a tomahawk that stalls straight if flown coordinated in the stall. What is the angle of incidence at the wing tip? in order to obtain this angle the aircraft must be level (place a level on the top of the fuselage behind the rear window and level the aircraft) and with the wing tip removed, draw a line from the 1/4" hole at the front of the wing rib to the last hole on the rib (it's about a 5/16" hole) and measure the angle from level, this is easily done with an electronic level or level application on an i-phone or android. Please help me with this information if you just happen to have your wingtip off for inspection or repair or can get it easily for me.

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