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Advice needed on engine cut/egt system with a g1000nxi

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john cronin

Dec 26, 2019
Reaction score
Hi Everybody,

I have a Pa-28-181 with a g1000nxi. Well, one would think that would give me all the engine monitoring in one package that i would need for the io-360 engine. Well... it doesn't... Piper in their infinite wisdom figured that they would not include CHT in the engine section of the G1000. They only give you 4 cylinder EGT. Ridiculous ! i mean it can't really cost that much to include a 4 probe CHT in the G1000- Could it? WELL ANYWAY...I really miss not being able to monitor CHT's and i was wondering what my options would be for CHT indications... The G1000 already has Fuel flow, fuel usage, RPM, OAT , EGT in the system. Could a EI unit be installed or an insight g2 be installed without conflicting with all the other g1000 sensors? I was thinking that the installer could run and extra set of EGT probes, and a 4 cylinder set of CHT probes... but All the engine analyzers i have seen ( with data download) have so many other options that might conflict with the g1000 which already monitors that data..... DO all those extra options need to be installed for the unit to work?
Thank you


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