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Advice for avionics installation for IFR training

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Mar 3, 2012
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Assume a person has a Cherokee 180 and a private pilot certificate, but no instrument rating.

Assume said aircraft has only a KT-76A with encoder and a Piper Autocontrol III.

In other words, the aircraft is essentially a blank canvas awaiting a new avionics installation.

Assume also that the sky is not the limit on spending for this avionics package. (Unless the owner hits the POWERBALL lottery...)

Let's also assume that the owner of said aircraft is undecided on whether to keep the plane for the very long term or sell in a couple of years.

But most importantly, let's assume said aircraft's owner wants to use said aircraft to train for an instrument rating.

Let's also say that both the AI and DG were recently overhauled and said owner wants to keep the standard "6 pack" instrument layout. No glass.

The dream Garmin basic IFR package is about $19,500 installed, including a new transponder.

So something in the range of $12,500 to $15,000 is the price point to shoot for.

Assuming all these things...

What would be a good solid budget basic IFR avionics installation?

Ideas and advice on this are sincerely appreciated.


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