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ADS-B time....Uvionix? Best pricing?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Reaction score
So I'm pretty set on going with Uvionix for my ADS-B needs. I've got a relatively new KT76A and a KT76C sitting on the shelf, and the plane is a mid-level barely IFR 140, so no point getting carried away with big investments.

My hangar neighbor has the SkyBeacon and likes it. I'm debating between the Sky Beacon and Tail Beacon.

Plus for Tail Beacon - it retains my existing matching Whelen wingtip strobes. Minus - it's more expensive than the Skybeacon.

Plus for SkyBeacon - cheaper than TailBeacon. Has LED strobe. Minus for Sky Beacon - I'll have an LED strobe on one wing, Xenon on the other......until Uvionix releases it's matching LED strobe unit.

Has anyone heard of proposed pricing for the coming Certified matching wingtip LED strobe from Uvionix? The one without ADS-B in?

And who has the best pricing on the Uvionix products? Do we have any Avionics dealers on the forum?

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