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AD Garmin G3X - reported EFIS fuel quantity inaccuracy

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Staff member
Apr 12, 2010
Reaction score
The nomenclature objections takes more space than the remedial action of possible inaccurate fuel quantity indication.

"Garmin requested that the FAA change the description of the inevitable consequence of the unsafe condition. In the NPRM, the FAA stated the unsafe condition, if not addressed, could result in fuel starvation and engine shutdown with consequent loss of airplane control. Garmin stated that this incorrectly implies that loss of airplane control is the inevitable consequence of fuel starvation and engine shutdown. Garmin requested the FAA revise the preamble to state that loss of airplane control is one of many possible outcomes.
The FAA agrees that loss of control is not an inevitable result of fuel starvation. In the context of this event, the end level effect is the loss of powered flight to the destination airport. Accordingly, the FAA has revised the background section of the preamble and the unsafe condition paragraph of the AD to reflect that fuel starvation and engine shutdown could result in the inability to arrive at the destination airport or a suitable alternative airport".

Emphasis added


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