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AD 99-04-04 Slick Mag AD for O-540

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Aug 29, 2015
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Here's a new one to me. I called Slick/ champion today to get the part number for the Mag screw I somehow lost. No big deal there.

BUT as I talked to the rep he asked me if I heard of AD 99-04-04. I said no but we are complied with all PA-28-235 ADs. He said this one applied to me due to the mag P/N 6355.

I looked up the AD. The AD does not apply to my aircraft BUT the affected part (impulse coupling pawl left mag) is on the plane. Interesting. In short there has been a fatality accident (PA-32) and dozens of failures of the impulse coupling leading to the destruction of gear drive train and possibly the loss of both mags in flight.

Have any of you dealt with this? The PA-32 Cherokee 6 Crowd has this as an applicable AD to them in both 260 and 300 models.

Using a bit of common sense if the mag is in use on our airplane Slick #6355 but yet the airplane and the engine (PA-28 with O-540 B4B5) is not listed would you not do the AD?

The Ad compliance is every 250 hours dis-assembly and inspection of the offending part BUT the rep argues it should be every 100 hours. I have 340 hours on the plane since the install of these mags in 2001 per the logs. I was going to go another 50 to 100 hours and send for rebuild. Typically the slicks are good for near 500 hours. Others I know of have gone further with good results.

That stated I was looking for a possible end solution for the ability to not have to continue with the AD inspection. The addition of retard coupled left Mag (with no impulse coupling) would solve the solution along with the Slick Start module. This is not a cheap fix.

Right now we have no hard starting problems in hot or cold operations and frankly the airplane runs great. The issue is that if the mag comes apart there's lots of excitement.

Am I over done here? Did he scare me? You bet. I do a bunch of water flying plus like others of you I have family in friends in the aircraft on a regular basis. I cannot afford an engine if the mag was to self destruct nor can I go swimming if we lose both mags. Have any of you heard or dealt with this? what mags are you running? What inspections do you do? Thoughts?
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