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AD 2024-10-04

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May 1, 2023
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AD 2024-10-04 published May 22, 2024 and effective June 6, 2024 mandates inspection of the aft wing spar attachment fitting before further flight on Model PA-28-181, PA-28R-201, PA-34-220T, and PA-44-180 airplanes. Just released, it seems hasty. Curious wording in the dates. They invite comments until July 8, 2024 after which they may amend this AD. But they also require compliance before further flight after the effective date of the AD, June 6th, so if you want to wait for any amendments you would not be able to fly the aircraft from June 6th until sometime after July 8th when comments have been received, considered, and any amendment issued. I can see lots of maintenance shops being asked to do the inspection on or before June 6th, so there will probably be a traffic jam to get this accomplished.

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