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7th Annual Piper Forum Fly-in

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Dec 29, 2012
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Yup, its a new year (almost) and time to discuss having it again. Would like to hear your comments about
location, month and anything different you would like to see.

Here's an overview of our venue from the past years....

The Fly-in has been held at Klinger's in Reading, PA for the past few years in September. Klinger's is very accommodating, food is good and
service is excellent.

Reading Airport (KRDG) has also been easy to work with. The only negative was most of the main ramp was for our venue. I was never told this was going to happen and well, we made it work.

PA is a central location and it seems to work for everyone. We did go to Lancaster, PA once and the experience was great.

First week, give or take, of September seems to be a perfect time for this type of event. Avoids the heat and later in Sept, icing.

Comments, concerns or other post away......
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