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3,187NM Trip to Maine, Nantucket, and Outer banks

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Mar 8, 2023
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Just got back from a cool family trip! My kids really fly in the VIP, and we carry too much luggage.

At any rate, my daughter went to camp at Acadia Institute of Oceanography in Maine. So we sent her up commercial, and decided to pick her up in our Six-300, and go to places on the east coast where we had never been.
So we flew to North Alabama, dropped our dog off with my parents, and off we went!
Went hiking in Acadia, did the beehive, witch was a little intense. You're on some ledges, and could easily go off of the side of the cliff! Stayed in Bar Harbor, for a couple days, met some friends in Rockport for a couple days.
Went to Nantucket for a few days, first time there, pretty cool spot! Finally we went to Beaufort, NC.

Then picked the dog up, and flew home to Brunswick, GA.

This was our first family trip in the new to us six-300. It was a great trip!

Really no problems, other than some powered hang gliders climbing in line with runway heading after a fuel stop in VA. Between the climb out angle and the sun, we got pretty close before we saw them. o_O
I did some quick maneuvering, and let ATC know they were there so that the next aircraft was at least aware.

The sea fog can be intense up in the Northeast! But luckily on our planned flying days, we didn't have to deal with it.

What a beautiful country we live in! We are truly blessed to be able to get out and explore it

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