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2022 Updated Landing Height System

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Sep 20, 2017
Reaction score
Decided to purchase this NORSEE approved device.

The designer, Ned Robb, called me earlier to let me know that LHS has just recently received approval for a new updated version of their landing height system that allows it to interface with a GPS RS232 Out that provides altitude and ground speed reference data to the system.

What I gleamed from our short conversation was that the updated system will now allow altitude call outs configurable up to 3,000 ft AGL. Also, the groundspeed data combined with altitude will prevent potential false LIDAR readings and call outs during certain IMC conditions. He also mentioned that it will now provide actual landing gear configuration call outs. Didn’t discuss this in much detail because I fly a Cherokee.

I’m not sure but I have a feeling it might require a hardware update. I just ordered a new system and it will be the updated version.
Sounded like the only change regarding installation is to connect the audio lo (reference ground) to an available RS232 on your gps if equipped. Everything else is just configuration during the WIFI setup.

Installation on my Cherokee appears simple and straight forward and it’s a fairly inexpensive safety improvement. The Updated version will be shipping in about 3 weeks.

Would greatly appreciate any feed back from other who may have installed the LHS.
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