While training a pilot in his new, to him, 2003 Arrow III we discovered the Nav light switch, when turned on, dimmed the 3 green landing lights. The switches and dimmers are quite a bit different from my ‘77 Arrow III. My “greens” dim when the instrument lights are turned on. This plane had dimmers under the yoke and we didn’t try that. Worst part is we found that in the air so when the gear was lowered we didn’t see 3 greens. Only indicator was the Gear unsafe light was out. We made a precautionary low pass so the gear could be observed and landed with no incident. When we started turning off landing lights, strobes, etc., the lights came back on. Also very weird.
There are other squawks on his list that need to get fixed before I’ll fly with him again. He needs a flight review and he’s not quite ready for me to sign him off yet. Fortunately, the plane is going into maintenance Monday. It did fly nice though and will be a nice plane for him.
There are other squawks on his list that need to get fixed before I’ll fly with him again. He needs a flight review and he’s not quite ready for me to sign him off yet. Fortunately, the plane is going into maintenance Monday. It did fly nice though and will be a nice plane for him.