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For Sale 1994 Piper Seneca IV, 2330 TTSN, 55 SMOH - well maintained

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user 21975

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2021
Reaction score
Nice Seneca IV for sale. Engines overhauled two months ago, now has 55 SMOH. Props overhauled April 2021, 250 SMOH. Detailed and organized maintenance records.
No damage history.
Complete logs, was imported from Brazil in 2020. Airframe log translated. All major components recently overhauled in the USA.
Garmin GTN-750 with Flightstream 510, ADS-B In/Out Garmin GTX 345
Refurbished Bendix RDR 2000 weather radar.
New JPI EDM-750 engine monitor with fuel flow transducers and ITT probes.
28V airplane, Electric flaps...Nice aluminum panel - no cheap plastic
Co-pilot instruments.
Great useful load (no air conditioning or FIKI) at 1496#. 123 gl fuel capacity.
AD's and SB's complied with, Part 135 ready!
Imron Paint, factory original - still in great shape
Interior carpets/seats worn.
STC'd for GAMI injectors (Spread less than 0.5 gph both engines)


Photos too large, see ad in controller

Controller: https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/218679899/1994-piper-seneca-iv-piston-twin-aircraft

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