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1974 Cherokee 140 with powerflow & speed mods

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Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
A friend is thinking of selling his 1974 Cherokee 140. It's way above average for this type of airplane...PM me for a link to photos. Price is $33K.

1974 PIPER PA28-140 Cherokee 140 serial 28-7425346, only 4283 total time

This is a dry country airplane since new, brought to Florida in 2013 and hangared since. Originally a Pennsylvania airplane from 1974, then to Michigan, then to Missouri till 2013. Complete and original log books. Clean inside, no corrosion!

150 HP Lycoming O-320-E3D
4283 total time
1503 SMOH, overhauled 1-15-1988
Excellent compressions in low-mid 70’s.
Sensenich 74DM6-0-60 prop with cruise pitch and only 113 SPOH
King KX175B nav comm
King KY197A comm radio
Val Avionics ILS400 LOC/Glideslope receiver
Narco AT150A transponder
Collins AMR350 audio panel four place intercom
Bose headset jacks in front
All flight instruments overhauled in October 2015
Dual toe brakes

Painted 1986 with Imron, exterior in very good condition.
All new interior, including all new plastic trim, New seat belts, and super soundproofing October 2015. Recent solar gray glass.
Recent extensive maintenance: new tires & tubes, brakes, re-sealed struts, Clean dry engine compartment, all new scat hoses, new baffle seals. Skytec 149-12PM starter, new right magneto, left magneto 500 hour inspection. All new stainless exterior hardware.


All the speed mods available for this bird are newly installed:
Knots 2U STC SA1401NW (RM&D) wingtips with LED landing lights
K2U STC SA603GL Aileron, flap gap, stabilator, & fuselage to flap seals
K2U STC SA1216GL Wing root cuffs
K2U STC SA1194GL Flap hinge fairings
K2U STC SA1012GL Main gear speed fairings
Laminar Flow Systems nose gear strut fairing
Powerflow exhaust system new October 2015
New Whelen LED lights: nav lights, tail beacon, and landing lights!

126 knot cruise at 6000 feet!

Annual due December 1st 2016. IFR cert good through January 2018.

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