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10 free eBooks -- slightly updated

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
For the next week, to members of Piper Forum, I’m giving away 10 free copies of any of my books. If you have not started the action-adventure series, Liberator Legacy is Book 1 in my Linc Malloy Legacies Action Adventure Series. If you have read any of the series, you can pick up where you left off.

If you prefer, my medical thriller, Do No Harm is also available. They are all on Amazon's Kindle Store as eBooks only, so you will need an existing Amazon account. Free Kindle Reader Apps are available for all platforms here:

Of course, there is catch.

The first is a bummer. I am not sure why, but Amazon limits eBook gift recipients to readers in the same country as the gifter. They state, “These Kindle Books can only be redeemed by recipients in the US.” I apologize to our non-US members.

The second is easy. You must promise to honestly review the book on its Amazon web page, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B088QSC5VQ/.

Reviews need not be long and extensive. A sentence or two. More if you feel it. On the book’s page you can check out the book's description and get a Look Inside.

Admittedly, this is a blatant play for reviews. Amazon reviews are an important input into Amazon's Wondrous and Mysterious Algorithm. The more reviews, the more a book gets suggested to shoppers.

At this time, there are seven books—six in the series, and the standalone medical thriller. More are on the way, plus I have enough plot sketches and ideas to last the rest of my life. Writing is way more fun than marketing, so I’ve just been writing and writing and writing. When asked, I've often joked, "I'm counting on posthumous recognition."

This has greatly perturbed my wife—the remarkable and formidable Jay.

The 2021 Chanticleer (CIBA) Series Award for Global Thriller High Stakes Fiction declared the Linc Malloy Legacy Series as a finalist, but for whatever reason, CIBA did not declare any winner in the category for 2021. Us two finalists were left hanging. Go figure. I blame COVID. Each individual book submitted to a competition has at least placed. All kudos are listed on my website.

So, here's the deal.

The first 10 emails I receive through my website’s contact page (only) will receive an email back with a link and instructions on how to download the eBook off Amazon’s Kindle Store. I'll post here when all 10 are gone.

Thanks. I hope you enjoy my books.

Website: https://www.DomenickVenezia.com
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