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Turbo Saratoga Wastegate Rod End

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Apr 7, 2018
Reaction score
Hi All,

My mechanic and I were poking around the engine and noticed the rod end on the wastegate was a bit rusty. I asked him to screw a new one on while he was in there doing other work. He calls me the next day and informs me that little 1" piece of stainless steel is $1,700.00 (which would explain why it has never been replaced).

Does anyone have any knowledge of either an alternate part number, source of a used one, or some other brilliant idea of what to do?

Also, why on earth is that part $1,700? Usually those $4 parts from the local hardware store only become $400 parts when sold for an aircraft. This is a bit absurd. Is Martin Shkreli pricing stuff out for Lycoming now?

Almost forgot... the part number is LW-15765
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