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Source for O360 cylinders new?

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Aug 5, 2018
Reaction score
So we overhauled our O360-A4A last year but the cylinders didn't take (getting pressure buildup in the crankcase and blowing all our oil over). They hold compression at top dead center but pressure is obviously getting into the case and blowing all the oil out under full power in about 40-50 minutes. Did a 25 min flight and landed with 3 qts after it was 7 before takeoff. Got super lucky.

Used it all year last year with 1 qt every 2-3 hours coming out, sealed some case oil leaks sending it back to the engine shop, but when we got it back the oil loss out the breather is even worse sealing the case parting lines where they didn't use enough thread sealant.

They aren't going to warranty it, so I need 4 bare stud assemblies. I can move the rockers and valves and springs over to the new cylinder easily enough but can't find anyone who has cylinders for sale.

Anyone know where good cylinders are at? Don't want used, already been down that road (unless they're Sal's or Poplar or some other shop that will stand behind their work).

Located in BNA. Thanks,

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