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Should I hangar over the winter?

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Jul 3, 2023
Reaction score
I've been looking for a T-hangar in the Indianapolis area for almost a year, and I've checked everywhere within an hour drive from me. I'm currently on a paved tie-down for $50/mo. My insurance goes up if I'm based on a grass strip by a few hundred a year, and in the mid-west, rain can be an issue with getting in and out on grass. I've found a 3-sided hangar for $100/mo on a grass airstrip, with no fuel on the field, minimal power, and obviously no environmental controls. I'm a little worried about not being able to fly this winter if the grass gets wet, or covered in snow. I usually fly once per week or so. I'm also a little worried about grass and dirt getting in the engine. On the paved ramp, I worry about sun, rain, snow and ice wrecking the plane. I also live 5 minutes from the paved airport, vs 20 for the grass strip. I've put off getting a "Bruce" cover because of some upcoming avionics upgrades that will change the antennas on top of the plane.

So, should I go with the hangar or get a custom cover and keep it on the ramp?

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