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Nosegear link and brace assembly failure

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Jul 14, 2019
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KGAI -- Gaithersburg, MD, USA
I had a bit of a problem with my Arrow's nosegear this afternoon. Here's a photo looking up into the nosegear wheel well. The bottom of the photo is forward, and the top is aft.

I was very lucky -- I was able to extend the gear, land safely, and taxi to a safe area without the nosegear collapsing. There's no mechanic on the field, and the ones who have seen the photo have ordered that the plane not be moved -- neither taxiied nor towed -- until this part can be replaced for fear the other side will break.

This failure is in the right side arm of the Y-shaped link and brace assembly, just forward of the retraction actuator attachment. For those not intimately familiar with the Arrow nose gear assembly, I've attached an extract of Figure 19 from the parts catalog. It looks like it's called out as index number 13 (though it really isn't). It's the part that keeps the nosewheel down and locked in position.

I have some vague recollection of reading some other thread here or elsewhere about a similar failure. Does anyone else remember this?


  • NoseGearAssy.pdf
    53.3 KB · Views: 20

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