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Looking at replacing the ELT..... ME406

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Nov 5, 2015
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My Annual is coming up in a few months, and last year the IA that we work with did not like my 1950's style ELT.. mentioned several times that it needed to be updated, meaning that he was not ready to sign it off again. I did have an expensive annual due to paperwork last year so really do not want to go into another round with "Old Equipment". And yes, a new style ELT would be safer.

The A&P I work with, meaning that he lets be do all the work and he oversees it all, along with he interfaces with the IA, has several ACR Electronics ME406 ELT''s that he picked up with a large lot of aircraft parts. He offered one to me at 1/2 price, as an incentive to replace my old unit and to smooth out the annual with the IA.

So, in looking at other postings here, did not find much regarding the ME406 unit.... how does it preform, maintance issues ect... I do not have GPS in the plane other than a Garmin GDL-39 for GP on a tablet. I fly day, VFR only and IFR means "I Follow Roads" so my excuse for not changing the ELT in the past was I had a plan to land on a road if something went wrong. I do have a Garmin InReach that I use on every flight.

Does the ME406 need a GPS input??.. did not see that it does.. Will need to wire in a remote switch along with a new battery, so will also then wire in the rear seat headset jacks... A 2fer on pulling the side panel. What about programming??.. does the new ELT need to be programed with aircraft information??.. and how is that done when not purchasing a new unit??.. Any input on the antenna??.. would like to place it under a new rudder fairing as I need to add one anyway.. the later model one that increases the rudder area.

Any other things think about???... thanks for the help!... Photos of my current old unit, that does work but is old... and the unit that my A&P has... Replacing he "D" size batterys every year was easy, but having the new unit would be better.

Edit to add: 1967 140 / 180 with 1 nav/com, and basic instrumentation...

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