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Legality of using GPS only on a VOR only approach.

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Apr 2, 2023
Reaction score
SC, Lancaster
I am a low-time IFR student and did my long IFR training cross-country last weekend. One of the approaches was to a VOR approach (KAQX VOR-A circle). I entered the procedure into the GFC650 and used the coupled autopilot approach until the final descent. Then I cancelled the autopilot and hit the CDI button on the gps and used the "green needles" for the approach. I blew it because of too low of a descent rate, my fault crazy 21kt gusting winds got me. My instructor asked why I changed off the gps approach. My response was I thought a VOR approach required you to use the VOR, yes it was kinda a smart butt response. He stated that you can legally use the gps approach, in lieu of, the VOR. I know that some VOR approaches are VOR/GPS. I absolutely love and respect my instructor; however, I am a bit confused. I do not want to fail my checkride over something that simple.

Any advice or recommendations? Thank you.

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